Being a part of the Cayuga tribe has taught me many lessons and brought me many memories. However, my favorite memory is when we made our very own time capsule in the flip-flop trail. It made me realize how much time had passed when we first had put it in the ground. All the memories made me appreciate that the Cayuga tribe is my second family. I loved looking at the old tags and notes we had put in the capsule and seeing how much we have all grown as a person. Thank you for letting me be a part of all these memories.
-Singing Bird (Florentine Schmidt)
Thank you all for best camper because that is my I od and to be kind and sweet to everyone and help them. I love spending time with my dad
- Happy Hummingbird
Thank you dad for bring us to Native Sons and daughters I love spending time with friends and family. I love going camping with you. I like going on bike rides. My most ‘favrit’ part is swimming at the lake with you
- Sly Cheetah
My favorite thing I did in Native Sons and Daughters is spend time with my DADDY. I remember one time when I was camping with him at Suwannee river we got a golf cart. I was riding with him. He acted like there was a bear be-hind us. We went over many bumps we were also on a cliff I was about to fall but he was holding on to me it was scary. But fun I love my father and Native sons and Daughters It helps you get close to your father but if you are a father it helps you get close to your children IT IS SO MUCH FUN !!!
- Dancing Butterfly
My ‘favret’ campout was when I was alon(e) with daddy my faveret part was when we did the zipline the scary part was when we did drove up and down on the big bumpy hill the fun part was when I was shoting the bow and arrow I loved the part when I was watching a movie with some friends (beaty and the beast)
- Flying Unicorn
Hi my name is Zoe I did native sons and daughters for 8 years. I had a lot of fun and a few of the things I experienced where cannoing, kayaking, fishing, rock climbing, zip lining, egg toss, sack racing, critter race, scavenger hunts, roller skating, ice skating, swimming, helping the community by picking up trash or cleaning up houses, donating to people that need it, long nights among the fire, and best of all hanging out with my dad. My favorite thing has to be hanging out near the fire because everyone was having there own conversations and me and my friends in the group would all get together and draw or write story’s. I’m going to miss it. I’ve had an awesome experience in these camping trips and it might be sad to leave but I and my father have for sure made a lot of friends that we can hang out with.
- Shooting Star
There are many things I have enjoyed doing with my dad as Cayuga. Things like camping and canoeing but my all time favorite thing was making pinecars with my dad. My first car was a pink Volkswagon with rainbow stripes. It wasn’t as fast as we expected but it was decent. My second car was a light blue fancy car with Hello Kitty stickers on it. It was small so it was fairly slow. The third car Umicar, disguised as a fire truck won in our Nation but not the Federation. It came 4th in the Federation. The fourth car, the car my dad and I most dislike, was for Valentines Day. It was a heart car pink and red covered in glitter it was our slowest car. Our fifth car was a unicorn car my personal favorite it was a rough race and very close. We didn’t win but we got best in show and fastest car in second place. My last car another favorite, was gold with a random stripe here and there as a rainbow. There was Yin and Yang but it was pink and blue and it had the world peace with a peace sign. It meant that everyone belongs. I won first place fastest in the whole federation
- Fire Goat